• Year 2022
  • Location MZ - Chivonguene, Mozambique Guijá district
  • Client Kurandza NGO / Archistorming
  • Program

    Educational - school for girls

  • Dimensions

    2100 m  (plot area)

  • Status Competition
  • Design Studio BLU Architecture
  • Team

    E.Garnaoui (project leader), F. Bosco, F. Palli

  • Consultants

    E.Garnaoui (project leader), F. Bosco, F. Palli

  • Cost See table
  • Renderings © ailleurs.studio

The NGO Kurandza, in collaboration with Archstorming, organized a competition to select a buildable proposal for a new Learning Center for girls in the South of Mozambique. The main project idea was to create a modular structure that can be built by not qualified workers (with no special labour skills), and that can be easily replicated to create the different required spaces, as well the future extensions. The base module is a 3 x 7 m space covered with a single sloped roof system (“shed”). Each roof provides a large ventilated shading on the lower room and, extending on the sides, creates an outdoor weather protected exterior space (porches). The new Learning Center will be perceived in the wide landscape as a beautiful modern abstract structure, well integrated in his environment. Its “module” and technique, could become a “prototype” for other public or private buildings, that can be directly built by the local community.

Structural materials: 

-  Walls: Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks (CSEB)

-  Roof truss beam (main girder) + secondary structure: Bamboo or wood timbers and poles, with low-tech connections.

Thermal control: The “sheds” roof system, combined with a lower suspended vegetal fabric ceiling, provides a thermal control, creating a large shading on the lower spaces and a natural ventilated roof.

Water harvesting: Rain-water will be collected using the large roof area and directed to water tanks, prefabricated (PVC) or hand-made on site (masonry).

Power and energy: Photovoltaic Solar Panels will be located on the roof sheds. During the daylight time they will provide electricity and power for light, pumps or other necessities.